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2018 Winter Veil Presents

by - 5 years ago

Starting the 25th, players who logged in for Winter Veil could finally unwrap Blizzard’s newest gifts! Simply head to the Winter Veil tree in your faction’s capital (note: it’s definitely not Darnassus), where you can both do the holiday dailies already available, and dig through the gifts to receive your set of new toys.

2018 Winter Veil Toys

The two toys this year are the Toy Armor Set and Greatfather Winter’s Hearthstone. The Toy Armor Set places a bucket-style faction-specific helmet on your head and a cloak on your back. It also pairs nicely with the Toy Weapon Set from last year’s Winter Veil presents.

Greatfather Winter’s Hearthstone uses a swirling snow effect similar to the Death Knight ability, causes you to dance while casting, and places a Winter Veil hat on your head; it uses the location of your normal Hearthstone and cannot be set separately.


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Seth Harkins

PC gamer and lover of (most) things Blizzard. In his off time, he writes bad fan fiction, tends to his growing number of house plants, and enjoys a love-hate relationship with two cats.

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