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Warcraft: Legion Alpha Update

Three Dungeons, Three Specs Unlocked in Legion Alpha Update

by - 8 years ago

(Updated 1/28) Three dungeons and three specs have been unlocked for the latest Legion alpha update. Additionally, many new models, talent revisions, and other changes were committed. Celestalon also commented on the current state of minor glyphs and class talents, as seen below.

  • New Dungeons
    • Vault of the Wardens
    • Violet Hold
    • Neltharion’s Lair (New 1/28)
  • New Class Specs
    • Restoration (Shaman)
    • Arms (Warrior)
    • Subtlety *Rogue)
Originally Posted by Celestalon (Official Post)

Hey all,

Another new Alpha build today, which includes more new additions and changes:

  • New Specializations Unlocked – There are 3 new specializations ready for testing! We’d love any and all feedback about their gameplay, artifact quest lines, abilities, etc.
  • Arms Warrior
  • Subtlety Rogue (EDIT: Apologies. I originally said Protection Paladin here; it’s actually Subtlety)
  • Restoration Shaman
  • Class Talent Status – We’re continuing to iterate on our class talents. This build has many talent revisions scattered around the classes, but an especially significant pass on many of the Mage talents (of all 3 specializations). Feedback there would be quite valuable. The feedback that we’ve gotten so far has lead us to make more significant revisions to several other classes and specs, that you’ll see in future builds, particularly Elemental, Enhancement, Marksmanship, Survival, and Blood.
  • Minor Glyph Status – Minor Glyphs in Legion will not provide any gameplay impact, only cosmetic, and only modifications to existing spells/abilities. However, many existing minor glyphs are being either ‘baked in’, converted into a new spell that you can learn from a book, or turned into a toy, and a few are being removed. We’re in the middle of going through that process, and this build has incomplete data. Stay tuned for the next build, which should have most of those things squared away.

Thanks, and we look forward to your feedback!

EDIT: Also, check out the design notes from the previous build, if you haven’t already as well: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/20420212939

Blizzard released an updated Legion alpha infographic, seen below, illustrating the content state:

legion infographic 1 legion infographic 2 legion infographic 3G39O4O34Q1DZ1454001348232

As usual, stay tuned as we continue to explore the Legion alpha:

  • Artifacts: Check out early versions of the Artifact intro quest lines, as well as other related news and updates.
  • Class Halls: Updates and previews of your class’s center for artifact upgrades, class quests, world quests, and more.
  • Exploring Azeroth series: Take a look at upcoming Legion points of interest in the Broken Isles and abroad.

And much more to come!

Seth Harkins

PC gamer and lover of (most) things Blizzard. In his off time, he writes bad fan fiction, tends to his growing number of house plants, and enjoys a love-hate relationship with two cats.

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