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Class Hall? But it’s…a SEWER…

by - 9 years ago

With the announcement of World of Warcraft: Legion last week and subsequent discussion of new features, one topic that has stirred the Rogue community is where their Class Hall will be located.

Class Halls are a new feature being introduced in Legion. Similar to the Garrison in Warlords of Draenor, your class hall is a place for players to spend time when they are not running dungeons, raiding, looking for Artifact Weapon pieces, or taking advantage of the significant amount of content I’m sure is coming with the expansion.

However, Class Halls will also be different. Instead of spending copious amounts of time alone in your Garrison, your class hall is shared with other members of your character’s particular class. Instead of having a large army of followers to send on missions in your stead, players will be able to recruit meaningful champions of their class to help them on their journey.

Another significant difference (and where the Rogue community comes in) is that Class Halls will not be limited to a single instanced space that you enter and the servers put you in the correct instance. Class Halls will be located in (neutral) areas that are significant to the class. A few examples provided were Archerus for Death Knights, under the Light’s Hope Chapel for Paladins, and the Dalaran Sewers for Rogues. Therein lies the rub.

Since the announcement, at least a small portion of the Rogue community has indicated to Blizzard that they would rather have Ravenholdt Manor as their Class Hall. This could make sense given the historical connotations it has from Cataclysm since that is where Rogues spent time working with Wrathion on their Legendary quest chain.

Blizzard, however, hasn’t show much inclination to change the location yet and Lead Game Designer Ion “Watcher” Hazzikostas says that they intended “sewer” as poorly chosen shorthand for “hidden rogues’ guild in the Dalaran underground.” From what they said the matter is still under discussion internally to see if a better place comes up, but for now it sounds like the Dalaran underground is where Rogues will be.

In the meantime, answer us this in the comments: Where would you like to see your main character’s Class Hall be located?

posted in Warcraft Tags: ,
Timothy Prine


0 responses to “Class Hall? But it’s…a SEWER…”

  1. Shayne says:

    Please keep routes in the dalaran sewers…

  2. Krister Storelvmo says:

    Rogue hall in the filthy dalaran sewers?!? What are we? Peasant thieves?