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Dungeon Professionals: Why Run Dungeons?

by - 9 years ago

The basic format for all dungeons is the same; you start at the entrance, work your way through whatever obstacles that the game feels like throwing at you, then leave. However, the reasons that a you might be there are more nuanced and can often lead to different types of group interactions. This week we will be going over the different objectives someone might have for running a dungeon and what to expect from them.

“I’m Here for Loot!”


This is likely the most common type of player you will encounter in a dungeon. This is the player that has been there before and knows what they are doing, so you should not encounter too many issues with their gameplay. They will, however, often be the most impatient player; they do not want to see the sights or branch off for other objectives. They just want to beat the bosses as quickly as possible and try again if they do not get what they came for. If another player tries to do something unrelated to the most efficient type of speed-run, it is often this group member that will take the most issue with the slow-down in progress. If this player is the tank, then unfortunately there’s not a lot that can be done outside of kicking them from the party. Just be careful if you attempt to go this route, because if the rest of the party enjoys the fast pace then you might find yourself at the receiving end of a vote. If you are this player though, simply ask if a speed-run is possible. Chances are high these days that most players are also looking for a quick clear.

“I’m Here for a Quest!”

If any player in your group is new to a dungeon, they will likely fall into this category. This player received an objective from an NPC that requires them to be here, and this quest is likely the entire reason that they looked for a group in the first place. If any player is going to cause issues for your group, it is this one. If they are new, it likely just requires a little bit of patience from the rest of the party; this player does not know what they are doing and probably does not even know where their objective is. If your party is willing to accommodate them then there should not be any issues. However, if this player is more experienced, be ready for someone to rush off on their own without a word to the rest of the group. This player may have little-to-no interest in completing the entirety of the dungeon and might leave the second they have what they came for. If you are this player, be sure to state so at the beginning of the dungeon; most players will be willing to help you complete your objective, but they won’t take kindly to you wiping the group.



“I’m Here for Fun!”



This player is by far the easiest to deal with and enjoyable to be around. They could be in the dungeon for either of the above reasons, but they enjoy the journey as well as the destination. These may be your more social players that are looking for a chance to meet new people or players that simply enjoy the mechanics of the dungeon; either way, this player is the most willing to adapt to the needs of the rest of the group. They will help with quests when needed, and they’ll speed-run if the entire group is of the same mind. They are even the most likely to pass on loot they do not need. On the flip-side, however, they are also the quickest to attempt to kick a player if that player is ruining their good time. An uncooperative loot-or-quest seeker will be a quick target for this player’s “vote-to-kick” button.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Dungeon Professionals: Why Run Dungeons?”

  1. Emmanuel Medina says:

    I believe you may have missed the “I’m here just helping out a friend/guildie” type of player, particularly found on max-level dungeons/LFR, this player usually don’t really give a rodent’s rear end about anything much but finishing quickly, probably is on some kind of voice chat with his/her friend/guildie criticizing the fools not doing stuff right or talking about some unrelated topics like what new game he found out and is also playing.