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The Draenei, the Monk and the Wardrobe: Shadowmoon Monk Transmog

by - 9 years ago

The Draenei, the Monk and the Wardrobe is a recurring installment of World of Warcraft transmogrification tales. Join us as we eye every seam, embroidery, and color scheme down to the last button. Do not be dissuaded by the title; DMW loves all classes and races!

As the shadows draws close in the valley, a silhouette appears against the bright backdrop of Draenor’s two moons. It’s a windwalker monk, and her Shadow Sporebat-companion. Dressed in garb acquired from adventures long gone, she’s spying towards the horizon. The sporebat nudges her hand gently, she laughs quietly and throws her companion a treat.







Head: Crown of the Forest Lord

Shoulders: Poison Protocol Pauldrons

Back: None

Chest: Sark of the Unwatched

Hands: Double Attack Handguards

Waist: Serene Yellow Belt

Legs: Aberration’s Leggings

Feet: Sandals of the Insurgent

Main Hand: Spellfire Longsword

Off Hand: Spellfire Longsword

Do you have an awesome transmog that you’d like to share with the world? Send screenshots to me and I might feature them here! E-mail: alexandra.meurling@blizzpro.com. Make sure your screenshots are unedited and uncropped, and that you send me a list of the gear featured in your pictures.

JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “The Draenei, the Monk and the Wardrobe: Shadowmoon Monk Transmog”

  1. AyyLmao says:

    wow! hot a what baabhabhiat