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The Draenei, the Monk and the Wardrobe: Shado-Pan Edition

by - 10 years ago

The Draenei, the Monk and the Wardrobe is a recurring installment of World of Warcraft transmogrification tales. Join us as we eye every seam, embroidery, and color scheme down to the last button. Do not be fooled by the title; we will certainly take a look at transmogrifications for all classes and races.

So you want to join the Shado-Pan? Well then, young cub, let me tell you a story about the legendary watchers on the wall. Every seven seasons, when the blossoms of the sacred trees of Shado-Pan Monastery turns bright red, the Trial of Red Blossoms is held. The trial is not for the weak of heart; every Shado-Pan initiate must pass three tests, the Test of Resolve, the Test of Strength, and the Test of Spirit, each of which is deadly to those who do not pass it. The initiates are given one last chance to change their mind before submitting to the trial, and no dishonor falls upon anyone who choose to do so, however, they will never be allowed to return.

So you see, young cub, joining the Shado-Pan might prove difficult. Looking like them, however, is far easier.

Shado-Pan Look-a-like




Color scheme


HEAD: Replica Shado-Pan Helmet
SHOULDERS: Monnion of the Bat
CHEST: Velvety Vest
HANDS: Mud’s Crushers
WAIST: Red Belt of Gentle Persuasion
LEGS: Booty Bay Pantaloons
FEET: Boarpocalypse Boots
WEAPON: Cranedancer’s Staff

Do you have an awesome outfit that you’d like to share with the world? Send screenshots to me and I might feature them here! E-mail: edge@blizzpro.com Make sure your screenshots are unedited and uncropped, and that you send me a list of the gear featured in your pictures.

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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

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